Frequently Asked Questions

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Only one discount can be applied to each order 

All juice shipments are packed in an insulated liner to keep them cool during transit! All juices are sent withh Express delivery to ensure quality and freshness.
Although everyone is different and must consider the needs of their body as they cleanse, our juice cleanse plan recommends drinking 5, 12 ounce juice drinks per day, drinking each beverage every two hours. Drink the first juice when you wake upin the morning, and try to drink the last juice two hours before going to bed. Juice cleansing is intended to replace solid meals, though again everyone is different and should consume food, water and juice as needed. Be prepared for changes in your digestion, energy levels and even sleep rhythms as your body adjusts to the cleanse. Also, make sure you stay hydrated with water throughout your cleanse. Find more detailed guides and information on juice cleanses here.
It is definitely true to say that our bodies cleanse naturally and constantly. We like to think of our cleanse programs as an occasional way to take a breather from hectic day-to-day routines and streamline your nutrition. Historically, cleansing was a way to bring balance back into one’s life. Our cleanses are designed to help yourbody reset, replenish key nutrients and achieve a more balanced state.

Please allow 1-2 business days for processing. Domestic shipping typically takes 1-2 business depending on the delivery location. 

A more balanced pH (we tend to have very acidic bodies with toxins and pollutions consistently surrounding us) through the alkalizing properties of fruits & veggies, especially leafy green vegetables, better mental clarity and energy, clearer and glowing skin, organ and tissue cleansing, weight management, etc. 

If your juice is not handed directly to you, our driver will send a text or give you a call. If more than 5 minutes have passed, we will leave the juices in a place that's as safe as possible. Please note, we are not responsible for lost or stolen juice, or products that have been left out for any period of time. All sales are final as we cannot resell products that have been opened as all our juices are made fresh to order. 

Cold pressing is a method of extracting liquid from plants without removing enzymes or breaking down nutrients with high levels of heat or oxygen. Everybody’s Juice uses a hydraulic cold pressing machine that squeezes every drop of liquid out of fruits and vegetables while keeping its health benefits and properties intact.

To compare a more common form of juicing, centrifugal juicing, relies on a metal blade that spins at great speed against a mesh filter, separating juice from fruit and vegetable solids. This method not only extracts juice that is less compact with vitamins, minerals and enzymes than cold-pressed juice, but the spinning blades makes the juices high in temperature and brings oxidation into the equation, changing the juice’s chemistry and hastening its deterioration.

All sales are final. If there is damage to the product such as leakage or expiration, please free to contact us for store credit.

Consistent cleansing is one of the best tools to attain vitality health in a toxic world. If you feel tired, heavy, bloated, or simply imbalanced reset your health and restore your energy levels with an organic juice cleanse. When done properly, this can improve your digestion and re-energize the body. It can also help you take stock of your current nutritional habits, and determine where there is room for improvement. You should emerge from your cleanse clear-headed, light on your feet, and with a new spring in your step.