The Celery Hype is Real

The Celery Hype is Real

It’s been a lot of hype around celery and all of its benefits, and we’re here to tell you that the hype is real!

These crispy and crunchy green stalks have been the talk of the town and rightfully so, given all their numerous health benefits.

Eating 1-2 pounds of celery first thing in the morning seems like a tall task and a lot of chewing so we have put the power of 1-2 pounds of celery with along with Aloe Vera and a hint of lime and chlorophyll in our favorite bottles so you can reap the benefits in just a few sips. Look below as we go down the rabbit hole of why you should add celery more into your diet.


Calms the Nerves

Celery contains a lot of magnesium. People with a magnesium deficiency may experience high stress, anxiety and have problems getting a good night’s rest. Our brain plays an important role in mood swings and emotions. But our second brain, which is the gut, will ultimately decide how happy and pleased we are.  An inflamed gut will likely lead to multiple issues within the lining of your stomach. That causes bad bacteria to get into your bloodstream. For every one cup of celery, there’s about 8 grams of fiber inside to help flush excess waste and bacteria out of your digestive tract.

Brighter, Clearer Skin

Celery juice is great for skin because of the number of vitamins and minerals it contains. Vitamin A, B, C, K, niacin, and folate are all present in celery. They help to repair skin that has been damaged. Celery also contains potassium and magnesium. Those are minerals are responsible for making the skin clearer.

Inflammation and mucus are the root of all disease in the body. Inflammation can cause skin irritation, gut issues, arthritis, sore muscles, depression, weight gain, and anxiety. Celery has approximately 20 anti-inflammatory compound that can offer protection against inflammation in the body.

Removes Inflammation

Inflammation and mucus are the root of all disease in the body. Inflammation can cause skin irritation, gut issues, arthritis, sore muscles, depression, weight gain, and anxiety. Celery has approximately 20 anti-inflammatory compound that can offer protection against inflammation in the body.


The mixture of celery and lime that creates The Uptown, is extremely alkalizing. The Uptown works to lower the level of acid in the body to maintain a healthy pH for the body and eliminate acid. Excess acid is usually caused by consuming too much sugar, alcohol, and processed foods

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♥️ Have a Romantic Libido-Boosting Valentine's Day ♥️

Jason Gray - Founder of Zumble

Jason Gray - Founder of Zumble

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